Save up to 41% on Lion's Mane: Shop Now
Save up to 41% on Lion's Mane: Shop Now
+ FREE USA Shipping When You Buy 3 or More

Our Premium, USA-Grown
Lion's Mane Liquid Extracts

Eliminate brain fog and unlock mental clarity today!

Premium, USA-Grown Lion's Mane Extracts

No pills to swallow. No powders to spill. ZERO Mycelium Mischief... It's easy, effective, and it simply works!

Tap the button to find out why lion's mane lovers are raving about our new lion's mane liquid extracts...


Find out why lion's mane lovers are switching from pills and powders to our premium lion's mane liquid extracts...

Used daily and trusted by thousands of Americans who now think clearly... Take advantage of today's special offer to get nature's mental clarity and memory support!

Lion's Mane Liquid Extracts Benefits

 Eliminate brain fog and support memory! Research suggests that lion's mane extracts may increase mental clarity, focus, and support memory.
 Boost your immune system! Lion's Mane fruit body extracts have been studied for their potential to support immune health.
 Fight inflammation and support health with the antioxidant power of lion's mane. These extracts have compounds that may help to reduce inflammation.
Used daily and trusted by thousands of Americans who have reclaimed their mental clarity...

Take advantage of today's special offer to get nature's mental clarity and memory support!

Lion's Mane Liquid Extracts Benefits

 Eliminate brain fog and support memory! Research suggests that lion's mane extracts may increase mental clarity, focus, and support memory.
 Boost your immune system! Lion's Mane fruit body extracts have been studied for their potential to support immune health.
 Fight inflammation and support health with the antioxidant power of lion's mane. These extracts have compounds that may help to reduce inflammation.

Hey I'm Luke "The Lion"

I'm the founder of and I'm excited to share with you our new Lion's Mane Fruit Body Extract.

But before I reveal why lion's mane lovers are switching from pills and powders to our premium lion's mane liquid extracts... 

First, I have to explain what Lion's Mane is and how it works - because a lot of people don't yet understand why it is so beneficial for you to start using lion's mane extracts today... 

Lion's Mane Mushrooms are "Nature's Brain Vitamin"

If you believe that everything happens for a reason it's easy to see that nature leaves us clues...

These scruffy, brain-like mushrooms are native to North America and Asia and are packed with brain boosting compounds that can eliminate brain fog, improve cognitive function, and reduce inflammation in the brain.

Not only that, but there's promising research showing improvements with memory and nerve damage repair...
In a moment, I'll share with you more details about what how lion's mane extracts do for your brain and body, but first, let's cover why you might want to pause before stocking up on lion's mane powder from Amazon...

Although lion's mane mushrooms taste delicious, sweet, and buttery when cooked...

Fresh lion's mane mushrooms (and most lion's mane powders) contain a tough, indigestible fiber called "chitin" that needs to be broken down before consuming to maximize the benefits that lion's mane has to offer.

Lion's Mane Needs MULTIPLE Extractions Before it Can Be Utilized By Your Brain

Without getting too deep into the science... Lion’s Mane contains two major active compounds that result in the brain boosting benefits: Hericenones and erinacines.

Hericenones need to be extracted using alcohol and Erinacines need to be extracted using hot water...
Here lies the issue with most pills, powders, and gummies on the market; they haven't gone through any extractions at all.

Most powders and pills are simply ground up mushrooms... and that's not the only issue with the lion's mane industry...

Lion's Mane Needs MULTIPLE Extractions Before it Can Be Utilized By Your Brain

Without getting too deep into the science... Lion’s Mane contains two major active compounds that result in the brain boosting benefits: Hericenones and erinacines.

Hericenones need to be extracted using alcohol and Erinacines need to be extracted using hot water...
Here lies the issue with most pills, powders, and gummies on the market; they haven't gone through any extractions at all.

Most powders and pills are simply ground up mushrooms... and that's not the only issue with the lion's mane industry...

There's a dirty ploy in the medicinal mushroom industry and it's called: "Mycelium Mischief"

On the left you'll see me holding a lion's mane mushroom. In the mushroom world, this is called the "fruiting body". Most scientific studies that confirm lion's mane supports cognitive function were performed with the fruiting body.

However, most of the biggest mushroom supplement brands today are using something called mycelium instead of the fruiting bodies. In some cases they use both, but a lot of times they're just using mycelium.

And there's no way to put this lightly... Mycelium is just mushroom dirt.
It's essentially the roots of the lion's mane embedded in sawdust and soy.

And it's often laced with wheat bran (containing gluten and next to no health benefits). And as long as the companies can pass the health checks for bacteria and heavy metals, they can still sell mycelium "mushroom" products because technically, the dirt still contains traces of mushrooms. But it's a huge sham.

And unfortunately, that's not the only issue with the big lion's mane suppliers...

There's a dirty ploy in the medicinal mushroom industry and it's called: 
"Mycelium Mischief"

Below you'll see me holding a lion's mane mushroom. In the mushroom world, this is called the "fruiting body". Most scientific studies that confirm lion's mane supports cognitive function were performed with the fruiting body.
However, most of the biggest mushroom supplement brands today are using something called mycelium instead of the fruiting bodies. In some cases they use both, but a lot of times they're just using mycelium.

And there's no way to put this lightly... Mycelium is just mushroom dirt.
It's essentially the roots of the lion's mane embedded in sawdust and soy.

And it's often laced with wheat bran (containing gluten and next to no health benefits). And as long as the companies can pass the health checks for bacteria and heavy metals, they can still sell mycelium "mushroom" products because technically, the dirt still contains traces of mushrooms. But it's a huge sham.

And unfortunately, that's not the only issue with the big lion's mane suppliers...

Some of the largest supplement companies have been exposed for selling contaminated mushrooms.

Big mushroom supplement corporations are notorious for contamination issues due to their profit hungry practices of importing their mushrooms from China.

They will try to act like Chinese lion's mane is superior due to lion's mane originating from China but lion's mane perishes quickly, and mass produced mushrooms traveling overseas is recipe for a moldy bacteria disaster. The honest truth is it's simply cheaper to import bulk lion's mane from China. It's a profit play...

This is why I'm weary of most lion's mane infused drinks, gummies, and pills and powders that use Chinese lion's mane mushrooms... And for this reason, we've committed to using USA grown, fruiting bodies of lion's mane mushrooms and ZERO mycelium is used in the creation of our lion's mane liquid extracts.

In addition to growing our lion's mane in the USA, we regularly use third party testing for bacterias and heavy metals on our final product. Your safety is of utmost important to us so we pay extra to triple check our products are 100% safe for you.

Introducing Our Advanced Dual Extraction of USA Grown Lion's Mane Fruiting Bodies

Our Lion's Mane extracts support a healthy memory, eliminate brain fog,
and improve focus... all while strengthening immunity at the same time.
This is the most potent, safe, and effective lion's mane mushroom supplement for eliminating brain fog and supporting memory, period. And I'll explain exactly why...

1.) Our Lion's Mane Extracts have potency you can prove

When we first started our extraction process we went with a standard dual extraction. The result was an effective, clear, lion's mane liquid extract.

This method was much more potent than your average powder, but we recently developed an advanced method for extraction that pulls up to 5X more active compounds from our lion's mane mushroom than our leading competitors.

Big corporations often claim their milligram dosage based on how many mushrooms were used (and often inflate this number by counting mycelium weight). But the MG's provided are not regulated and are for the most part, meaningless.

With our extracts you can SEE the difference. You want a yellow and cloudy extract for maximum potency.

2.) We are routinely third party tested

One of the major issues in the medicinal mushroom industry is there are no regulations forcing companies to test their products for purity.

In addition to the obvious visual demonstration of our potency above...

We pay to send off our final product to third party labs (meaning labs that have zero affiliation or incentive to give us a passing grade) multiple times per year to verify our purity and safety for you.

We're in this business to help people and safe products are a key component of this mission. Lab reports are available for anyone to see and verify. Just send us an email if you'd like a copy.

3.) Our Lion's Mane is USA grown and handcrafted in small batches

All of our lion's mane mushrooms are grown in the United States, just outside of Portland.

Our extracts are handcrafted in small batches of 1000 at a time and we use only the highest quality, organic cane spirits and ultra pure water to create the most premium lion's mane liquid extracts on the market. In addition to our commitment to extract quality, we use impenetrable black bottles which are leak proof and light proof.

Many cheaper options on the market use Amber colored glass which allow light to pass through and can degrade lion's mane's potency. We've made zero compromises.

3.) Our Lion's Mane is USA grown and handcrafted in small batches

All of our lion's mane mushrooms are grown in the United States, just outside of Portland.

Our extracts are handcrafted in small batches of 1000 at a time and we use only the highest quality, organic cane spirits and ultra pure water to create the most premium lion's mane liquid extracts on the market.

In addition to our commitment to extract quality, we use impenetrable black bottles which are leak proof and light proof.

Many cheaper options on the market use Amber colored glass which allow light to pass through and can degrade lion's mane's potency. We've made zero compromises.

Lion's Mane helps with all ages:
It doesn't matter if you're 18 or 80+

Lion's Mane supports a healthy memory, eliminates brain fog, and improves focus...
all while boosting your brain health and strengthening immunity at the same time.

How do you use lion's mane extracts?

Daily use of our premium Lion's Mane Liquid Extracts help keep your brain cells functioning properly and your mind crystal clear.

However, we advise you use it on an empty stomach for the quickest absorption. but it's perfectly fine to take with meals or mix it in any drink you'd like.  Just use 2 droppers, 1-3x a day at any time of day.

It is non-stimulating and is absolutely safe to take before bed.

How do you use lion's mane liquid extracts?

Daily use of our premium Lion's Mane Liquid Extracts help keep your brain cells functioning properly and your mind crystal clear.

However, we advise you use it on an empty stomach for the quickest absorption. but it's perfectly fine to take with meals or mix it in any drink you'd like.  Just use 2 droppers, 1-3x a day at any time of day.

It is non-stimulating and is absolutely safe to take before bed.

How to Use:

Take 2 droppers of lion's mane extract,
1-3 times per day on an empty stomach.

How does lion's mane work?

Well it all boils down to the compounds in our Lion's Mane Extracts that increase something in the brain called “Nerve Growth Factor”.

Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) is like “mental-fertilizer” that helps you grow a better brain. NGF helps your brain create new neurons, maintain existing neurons, and repair damaged neurons in the brain… [2]

See, neurons are your brain’s messengers. Healthy neurons are responsible for carrying out every function of your brain including focus, memory, and mood.

When you take lion's mane extracts to improve neuronal health you're going to support mental clarity, memory, and enhance your brain cell communication.

How does lion's mane work?

Well it all boils down to the compounds in our Lion's Mane Extracts that increase something in the brain called “Nerve Growth Factor”.
  • ​Memory Support [4]
  • Nerve Injury Repair [5]
  • ​Reduced Inflammation [6]
  • ​Mood Elevation [7]
Essentially, Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) is like “mental-fertilizer” that helps you grow a better brain. NGF helps your brain create new neurons, maintain existing neurons, and repair damaged neurons in the brain… [2]

See, neurons are your brain’s messengers. Healthy neurons are responsible for carrying out every function of your brain including focus, memory, and mood.

NGF is so crucial to our brain cell survival, that some people speculate it plays an important part in our longevity.

Dr. Rita Levi-Montalcini, the Italian American neurologist who won a Nobel Prize for discovering nerve growth factor in 1996, even claimed that she used NGF to extend her lifespan.
Although the true secret to her longevity remains unknown, she did live to be a centenarian, aged 103 🤔…

What am I going to feel when I take lion's mane?

You'll feel more focused, energized, and motivated - just like you got a great night’s rest.

Next, you’ll start to remember things more easily… And with every day that goes by, you’ll notice that your brain is functioning better and you’re feeling more like yourself again.
You’ll notice a bounce in your step. You’ll be happier. Your brain fog will quickly fade away, or maybe disappear altogether.

But my favorite part about improving brain health?

In as little as 7 days of use, your friends, family and colleagues will start to notice the change.

They'll say you seem more "present" in conversations with them. Like you’re really “there”. Because you’re finally focused instead of feeling lost in your thoughts.

And they’ll definitely ask for your secret… 

When you tell them, they won’t believe that it’s from mushrooms! 😂

What about safety? Are there any side effects?

If you’re fed up with Big Pharma shoving pills down your throat... Pushing drugs on you with laundry lists of side effects longer than the benefits associated with their chemical based drugs… 

Lion’s Mane Extracts are a safe alternative that actually works to eliminate brain fog without chemicals.

Whenever someone Googles around to try and find negative reactions to Lion’s Mane Mushrooms... The most they’ll find is an upset stomach, and in rare circumstances like this, we’ve got to question the quality of product that the user consumed. Maybe they just got a bad batch from one of those Chinese suppliers.

See, millions of people across the world are raving about the increased mental clarity and focus that Lion’s Mane Extracts provide and you’d be hard pressed to find any bad experiences.

That being said, if you're on medications we absolutely recommend checking with your doctor before taking our supplement (and any supplement at all) just to be safe.

Eliminate brain fog and reclaim mental clarity today!

Lion's Mane supports a healthy memory, eliminates brain fog, and improves focus...
all while boosting your brain health and strengthening immunity at the same time.

What if I'm not satisfied?

God forbid you're not happy with your purchase, we've got a 100% money back guarantee with no questions asked. 

Our standard return policy is 90 days but we extend that guarantee to 365 days if you buy a bundle of 12 bottles so you have an entire YEAR to make up your mind. If it doesn't work for you, you don't pay!

Refunds are super easy. You can just reply to your order confirmation email and let us know you want to refund and we'll take care of it!

No complicated procedures or anything like that.

If it doesn't work for you, we do not keep your money.

How to order our premium lion's mane extracts and
receive a bonus gift + FREE shipping with your order

Before you see the order form here's how you know which package is right for you...

Each bottle contains 30 servings and we recommend 1-3 servings per day. 

Depending on your current level of brain fog and mental clarity goals, you may benefit from taking up to 3 servings per day. More = the quickest relief.

For a limited time only, we're also including bonus gift of reishi mushroom extract + free shipping and 41% off your order when you purchase 6 or more today.

How to order your lion's mane extracts and receive a bonus gift + FREE shipping with your order

Before I show you the order form here's how you know which package is right for you...

Each bottle contains 30 servings and we recommend 1-3 servings per day. 

Depending on your current level of brain fog and mental clarity goals, you may benefit from taking 3 servings per day.

3 servings per day is what I recommend for severe brain fog and the quickest relief.

For a limited time only, we're also including bonus gifts when you purchase 6 or more.

Here's why you might want to secure 6 or more bottles

I understand that purchasing 6 or 12 bottles may seem like a lot. So I want to remind you that you're covered by our 90 day money back guarantee if you decide to invest in one of these larger packages.

Unopened bottles will last 1-2 YEARS in your cupboard without going bad so there's no worries if you don't use them all at once. Once opened, we recommend consuming within 60 days. No refrigeration needed.

In addition to making sure you get the proper supply for your personal goals, we get to save when shipping bulk orders. We feel it's only fair to pass on the savings (up to $390 off) on to you when you order 6 or more today!

Not only do 6 and 12 packs receive discounts on the lion's mane extracts and 100% free shipping... but you get the following bonus too!

Here's why you might want to secure 6 or 12 bottles:

I understand that purchasing 6 or 12 bottles may seem like a lot. So I want to remind you that you're covered by our 365 day money back guarantee if you decide to invest in one of these larger packages.

Unopened bottles will last 1-2 YEARS in your cupboard without going bad so there's no worries if you don't use them all at once. Once opened, we recommend consuming within 60 days. No refrigeration needed.

In addition to making sure you get the proper supply for your personal goals, we get to save when shipping bulk orders. We feel it's only fair to pass on the savings (up to $390 off) on to you when you order 6 or more today!

Not only do 6 and 12 packs receive discounts on the lion's mane extracts, but you get the following bonus too!

Every 6 bottle order includes FREE shipping PLUS a
FREE bonus Reishi Mushroom Extract! 
(Valued at $61.50)

Reishi mushrooms are considered the "mushroom of immortality" for their ability to support a healthy, happy, and long life... Reishi mushroom extracts are known for:

✓ Helping people stay healthy and well

✓ Supporting cardiovascular health

✓ Relieving stress and promoting better sleep…
Most of our customers prefer to use it in the evening to promote rest and relaxation after using Lion's Mane to feel alert during the day… And again, all 6 pack buyers get one bottle of our premium reishi mushroom extracts valued at $61.50 for 100% FREE. 

Every 6 bottle order includes FREE shipping PLUS a
FREE bonus Reishi Mushroom Extract! 
(Valued at $61.50)

Reishi mushrooms are considered the "mushroom of immortality" for their ability to support a healthy, happy, and long life... Reishi mushroom extracts are known for:

✓ Helping people stay healthy and well

✓ Supporting cardiovascular health

✓ Relieving stress and promoting better sleep…
Most of our customers prefer to use it in the evening to promote rest and relaxation after using Lion's Mane to feel alert during the day… And again, all 6 pack buyers get one bottle of our premium reishi mushroom extracts valued at $61.50 for 100% FREE. 

And when you secure a 12 bottle supply of lion's mane extracts today, you'll get our second bonus too!

BONUS #2 (Valued at $61.50)

Cordyceps Energy Extract

Cordyceps mushroom extracts help you AMPLIFY the mental energy boost that lion's mane extracts provide.

This "energy mushroom" is proven to increase oxygen intake and reduce fatigue. New studies suggest STRONG potential for cordyceps to have heart health benefits too!

We'll tell you all about it on the next page (and give you the opportunity to stock up on Cordyceps) but all 12 pack orders get a one bottle supply for FREE!

Click the 6 bottle package of Lion's Mane Extracts
for 41% savings, 1 free gift and FREE shipping (USA Only)!

But that's not all... In addition to the bonus extracts... All 6 and 12 pack orders receive one free week trial as a member of our Mental Clarity Club with their order...

$49 / Bottle

($147 total)

Save 21%



$36 / Bottle

($216 total)

Save 41%


+ 1 FREE GIFT (WORTH $61.50)


$61.50 / + $7.95 Ship

($69.45 total)

Retail Price



Remember: This webpage is the only place you can get our Advanced Dual Extractions of Lion's Mane Extracts...

Don’t bother looking for us on Amazon or at Walmart.

We’re not affiliated with these profit centered corporations, where it‘s easy to turn a blind eye on quality.

We’re a small town American run family business who wants to help others find a natural way to eliminate brain fog and get you back to thinking clearly again.

Without dangerous diets, useless exercise, or expensive prescription medications.

We’re here for people like you who are ready to make a real, permanent change.

Unfortunately, we know that the majority of people who make it this far, quit and go back to what they know...

Even though they’ve seen the remarkable evidence, heard the success stories, and know that there's literally nothing like our Lion's Mane Extracts on the market...

They fear that it’s too good to be true.

And that makes sense!

Especially when you consider all the lies you've been told by billion dollar drug companies.

And out of fear of being disappointed or wasting their time, they turn away and miss out on what truly is a gift from God. But for those of you who really see the miracle in this message, you know that you should never pass up an opportunity like this...

You can tell that our Lion's Mane Liquid Extracts are the real deal...

And something this life-changing is likely to be sold out soon. We have been sold out several times.

For several reasons... The first is...

1.) Our Lion’s Mane Extracts are so powerful and so effective that word has already got out…

People across America are discovering this incredible mushroom extract for themselves…

And unfortunately, this often means that demand sometimes outpaces supply…

Because our extracts are handcrafted in small batches of only 1000 at a time and hand grown out of Dallas, TX and Portland, OR, we are always at risk of running out of stock… 

Which means people are often forced to wait until the next batch. We always reserve a stock for our existing customers but we've had to shut down this page multiple times for new customers because we simply ran out.
As long as you’re still seeing this page and there's no big red "out of stock" banner next to the order form... We have some stock left for you, but I recommend taking action today so you can secure your own supply for you and your family before someone else takes it.

Remember, all purchases are backed by our 100% money back guarantee so there's literally zero risk to trying it out today. Additionally, once you make one purchase with us, we put you on the VIP list to reserve future stock for you for when we come close to running out.
(Oh, and I know how annoying it can be to order something online, only to be charged every month automatically. So I’ve made sure that you won’t be charged again.)

Though I urge you to be quick because this batch will be snapped up in no time at all. Plus…
2.) Small medicinal mushroom companies like ours are under attack from greedy corporations

Greedy billionaires have gotten rich off prescription meds, diets, and useless exercise programs for decades…

Preying on honest, hard working Americans like you and me.

In order to protect their riches and keep filling their greedy pockets, they will stop at nothing to shut down authentic companies like ours who seek to free the American people and give you back the power.
As a result, our operations, including this very website is under threat of being attacked and shut down due to their enormous economic and political influence.

These reasons make it impossible to ensure that our lion's mane extracts will continue to be available to the public tomorrow, let alone 6 months from now!

Which is probably why most of our new customers stock up on our 6 or 12 bottle supply – so they never have to worry about us running out of stock!

But remember, once you place your first order we will keep you in our VIP customer list and reserve stock for you, so God forbid our website gets shut down, as long as you are registered as a customer on our email list - we will still be able to serve you through email. We will never stop making our extracts for you.

Discover How Lion’s Mane Mushrooms Help You Eliminate Brain Fog 😶‍🌫️, Reclaim Productivity, and Remember Names and Numbers Easily...

After killing the parasites...
I was on the road to recovery.

My stomach recovered but a new problem arose.

My brain felt broken 🤕 

I couldn’t focus...

And I was forgetting where I parked my car - far too often for it to be normal...

Click the 6 or 12 bottle package of Lion's Mane Extracts for up to 53% savings, free gifts and free shipping (USA Only)!

$36 / Bottle

($216 total)

Save 41%


+ 1 FREE GIFT (WORTH $61.50)


$29 / Bottle

($348 total)

Save 53%


+ 2 FREE GIFT (WORTH $125.50)


$49 / Bottle

($147 total)

Save 21%



Looking for the 1 bottle option? Click here

At this point you have a very important choice…
One that will lead to two very different futures…

You risk nothing by trying our Lion’s Mane Extracts today,​​

Yet you could feel better than ever before!

Of course, I’m convinced you’re going to see life-changing results in your first week.

And that your transformation will only continue to get better over time.

In fact, I’m living proof of it!

Yet, the best results come from longer use… that’s when your results go from great to INCREDIBLE.
See, after 3 months, people will be shocked that you’re so sharp and witty. Your brain is going to work exactly how you want it to.

Your friends, family and colleagues will BEG you to share your bottles of Lion’s Mane Extracts with them. In fact, they’ll pay you any price!

And after 6 months, you won’t even remember what it used to feel like to have brain fog and struggle to think clearly. You’ll feel so focused and motivated to work that you’ll often get more done before 12pm than you used to get done in 3 days time!

Bottomline is, the longer you use it, the better your results could be.

So, I’ve made it as easy as possible to get the full, brain-boosting benefits from our Lion’s Mane Extracts.

When you order today, you have the choice of a 1, 3, 6, or 12 bottle supply.
Of course, you’re welcome to choose any option, though I’ve decided to give you a bigger discount by securing your 12-bottle supply.

That’s because I want you to experience the BEST results possible -- just like hundreds of Americans are doing right now.

You WON’T be enrolled in an automatic billing subscription.

And you’re covered by a 365-day money-back-guarantee. So even at the end of a 12-bottle supply, you’ll be able to get a full refund if you’re not thrilled with the way your brain works.

Click the “ADD TO CART” button below to be taken to a secure checkout page.

You can have your mental function back and feel like you can think clearly again for the cost of a cheap dinner.

So I urge you: claim one of the bottles we have available today.

Click the “BUY NOW” button below immediately.

I can’t wait to hear your success story.

- Luke “The Lion”

$36 / Bottle

($216 total)

Save 41%


+ 1 FREE GIFT (WORTH $61.50)


Looking for the 1 bottle option? Click here

$29 / Bottle

($348 total)

Save 53%


+ 2 FREE GIFTS (WORTH $125.50)


$49 / Bottle

($147 total)

Save 21%




2. Lai PL, Naidu M, Sabaratnam V, Wong KH, David RP, Kuppusamy UR, Abdullah N, Malek SN. Neurotrophic properties of the Lion's mane medicinal mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Higher Basidiomycetes) from Malaysia. Int J Med Mushrooms. 2013;15(6):539-54. doi: 10.1615/intjmedmushr.v15.i6.30. PMID: 24266378.

4. Ratto D, Corana F, Mannucci B, et al. Hericium erinaceus Improves Recognition Memory and Induces Hippocampal and Cerebellar Neurogenesis in Frail Mice during Aging. Nutrients. 2019;11(4):715. Published 2019 Mar 27. doi:10.3390/nu11040715

5. Wong KH, et al. Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Following Crush Injury to Rat Peroneal Nerve by Aqueous Extract of Medicinal Mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr) Pers. (Aphyllophoromycetideae). Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. (2011)

6. Chiu CH, Chyau CC, Chen CC, Lee LY, Chen WP, Liu JL, Lin WH, Mong MC. Erinacine A-Enriched Hericium erinaceus Mycelium Produces Antidepressant-Like Effects through Modulating BDNF/PI3K/Akt/GSK-3β Signaling in Mice. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Jan 24;19(2):341. doi: 10.3390/ijms19020341. PMID: 29364170; PMCID: PMC5855563.

7. Nagano M., Shimizu K., Kondo R., Hayashi C., Sato D., Kitagawa K., Ohnuki K. “Reduction of depression and anxiety by 4 weeks Hericium erinaceus intake.” Biomedical Research. 2010 Aug;31(4):231-7.

8. Ryu S, Kim HG, Kim JY, Kim SY, Cho KO. Hericium erinaceus Extract Reduces Anxiety and Depressive Behaviors by Promoting Hippocampal Neurogenesis in the Adult Mouse Brain. J Med Food. 2018 Feb;21(2):174-180. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2017.4006. Epub 2017 Nov 1. PMID: 29091526.

9. Lee SK, Ryu SH, Turk A, Yeon SW, Jo YH, Han YK, Hwang BY, Lee KY, Lee MK. Characterization of α-glucosidase inhibitory constituents of the fruiting body of lion's mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus). J Ethnopharmacol. 2020 Nov 15;262:113197. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2020.113197. Epub 2020 Jul 29. PMID: 32738392.

What does Lion's Mane do again?

Lion’s Mane Mushrooms are a natural way to increase your Nerve Growth Factor in the brain. 

Nerve Growth Factor is responsible for creating and maintaining neurons (your brain’s messengers).

The better support you give your neurons, the more clear headed you'll feel and you'll have less brain fog.

How long will it take to get results?

Everyone’s brain is different so results will vary. But I can tell you for a lot of folks, they feel more focused within 30 minutes of taking it.

And what’s even better is that the longer these folks take Lion’s Mane Extracts, the better they say it gets. Within 3 months, friends and co-workers are begging for their secret. They think you’re on some “smart drug” because you’re so sharp and present in conversation.

Will it work for me?

Lion’s Mane Extracts have the potential to work on anyone. Whether you’re 15, 30, or 70+. No matter your gender or your background.

College students use it as a study aid and my girlfriends’ grandpa uses it to help improve his memory so his wife stops nagging him about forgetting the bread at the store.

And what if it doesn't work for me?

I understand you might be skeptical. I mean, the results I’ve shown you today are incredible. But I really believe that Lion’s Mane Extracts will work for YOU!

Yet, I understand you’ll only be convinced once you’ve tried it and seen the difference for yourself. So, I want you to feel totally comfortable that you’re not risking a penny when you order today.

I’ve agreed to offer a full 90-day money-back-guarantee (365 days with a purchase of 12 or more).

It’s simple: you can try our Lion’s Mane Extracts out for a full 12 months. If you’re not totally thrilled, simply call or email my team and we’ll return every penny you pay today.

You don’t need to provide a reason why. You’ll just get an easy, hassle-free refund of the full price you pay today.

How can I order Lion's Mane Extracts?

It’s easy! Just click the button below to go to the order selection above.

You’ll be taken to the secure order page. It takes just two minutes to complete.

Once you’re finished, my team will get your bottle into the mail as soon as possible. You’ll have it in your hands within 3-5 days.

And remember you WON’T be enrolled in any kind of auto-billing subscription. The only time you’ll pay again is when you place an order yourself.
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“Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Review all product warnings prior to use." "Not intended to cure any disease”.

The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician. Results featured on this web site are atypical. As individuals differ, so will results. Science Natural Supplements distributes a product line made with natural ingredients. Always check with your doctor for risks associated with dietary supplements and your specific health conditions and/or allergies.
Copyright 2023 - All Rights Reserved - -

Discover How Lion’s Mane Mushrooms Help You Eliminate Brain Fog 😶‍🌫️, Reclaim Productivity, and Remember Names and Numbers Easily...

After killing the parasites...
I was on the road to recovery.

My stomach recovered but a new problem arose.

My brain felt broken 🤕

I couldn’t focus...

And I was forgetting where I parked my car - far too often for it to be normal...
I was disciplined with my meditation.

Strict with a gluten free diet...

And religiously played "brain games" and sudoku puzzles to try and improve my mental performance...

But no matter what I tried I just didn’t feel as sharp and witty like I once was. Worst of all...
I felt like I couldn't talk to people.

I was isolated inside my own head because I’d forget the words I was trying to say before I could communicate my thoughts.

After struggling with brain fog and constantly feeling tongue-tied...

I felt stupid. I was making terrible mistakes at work and losing money.

And it seemed like I lost my ability to function in society.

Truly, I was trapped in my own personal nightmare...
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The content provided on this site is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice from your physician or other medical professionals. The information here should not be used for diagnosing, treating disease or health-related issues, or prescribing of medications. Please read all product documentation carefully. Contact your regular health care practitioner if you have or suspect having a medical problem, before using our products.

Warning: Our product is not for use by children under the age of 18 or pregnant or nursing women. Always check with a physician before taking any supplement.

FTC Legal Disclaimer: Results may vary, testimonials are not intended to be representative of typical results. The testimonials showcased here are real, and each person has used our product. However, these results are not be understood as average or typical results, as they portray what the best and most successful clients have accomplished.
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